Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Fiji / Vanuatu Sea Turtle Conference


Marc Rice Joined George Balazs and Thierry Work (Co-chairs of the Marine Turtle Specialist Group) to travel to Suva Fiji to attend and present at the conference on the "Conservation of Sea Turtles within the Cultural Context of Oceania - Possibilities Beyond Protection"
Marc resented a talk entitled "Magnifying the Impact of Field Researh:  Involving students produces scientists and conservationists"

Marc Rice presents about the use of student volunteers in field research and how important and useful it is to involve students in field work

The conference attendees gathered together to get a group picture.

On the last day of the conference, Thierry Work (DVM) gave a lesson on how to do an external health evaluation of a turtle and then Marc Rice demonstrated the procedure to attach a satellite tag to a green turtle.  The turtle, captured earlier in the week, was given the name Julia and was release with the tag that afternoon.

Marc and George (right and left) pictured with Fiji Fisheries department personnel.

Susanna Piovano (front left), Marc Rice and the rest of the group that observed the sat tag attachment demonstration.

Marc Rice talking to folks about the "do's and don'ts" of attaching satellite tags to sea turtles.

The video clip above shows the release of "Julia" after the attachment of a telonics TAM 2640 satellite tag.

In addition to our work in Suva, Fiji, we made a side trip to Vanuatu to confirm our next trip there in January to attach satellite tags to more post nesting Hawksbill turtles.  While there we traveled to Tanna Island to visit the active volcano Yasur.  You can see some pictures of the trip to Tanna and the volcano at the Fiji-Vanuatu blog.

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