Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Mauna Lani Keiki Honu Monthly Checkup

August 27, 2019

Once again we joined Pi'i Laeha at the Mauna Lani Bay Hotel to  assist in the monthly measurement of the 6 yearling Sea Life Park honu that are in residence at the hotel.  Laura Jim's Marine Turtle Enrichment class assisted in the weighing and measureing of the 6 little turtles.  Each group of students had a picture of the right and left side of the head head of one of the little honu and had to identify which turtle we were measuring based on the head scale pattern.
It was a beautiful day and everyone had a great time assisting in the monthly evaluation.
Below are a series of images of the activities of the day.

HPA Microplastics Workshop

Most plastics in the ocean break up into very small particles . These small plastic bits are called "microplastics." Other plastic...